Selling well opens doors.

Your job depends on selling success. It keeps your doors open, the lights on, staff employed and keeps shareholders happy.

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Change the face of selling in your company.

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Since the dawn of time men synonymised selling with words like: convince, manipulate,pressure, pester, cheat, lie and cold-call. Men. Predators [...]

M to M Marketplace Offer

TANGENT STRATEGIES' CUSTOM SALES SEMINARS outperform most business growth seminars for one fundamental reason. Each full-day, Tangent-catered seminar is custom-designed [...]


It indeed has been a pleasure working with you. I appreciate your time, leadership and contribution to the success of this year’s offering. There is still lots of work to do and I look forward to your involvement and guidance in advancing our objectives and supporting our continued learning.
Michael Wyse, CEO, Black Business Initiative
I love your style and I know that if anyone can change the face of selling it is you.
Bill Thompson BA, Crm, EFT-ADV, Energy Medicine Practitioner

Meeting the sales education needs of a wide range of clients.